59 thoughts on “TRANSIT: Take Milwaukee Transit? Have a U-Pass? What would you improve?

  1. Employee parking options are ridiculously expensive. To have a hunters permit, (that does not guarantee you a parking spot) you pay close to $900/yr……this is to park TO GO TO WORK. My biggest problem with this option is often getting to work to find that the spots have all been taken, but not by pass holders or people with meters in their vehicle. This means employees who pay monthly to park are denied a spot they paid for by someone who does not belong in the parking lot to begin with. The University keeps all of that money from the monthly employee deduction, then collects money from those who get ticketed from parking without a permit (when they catch them), and once again when pass holders who can’t park in the lot consequently end up in the hourly paid parking in the union or other places to avoid street parking, which requires multiple trips to the street daily to feed a meter at an additional cost. What would make more sense, in my opinion, is to use the same gate/swipe card entry system that those who pay for covered guaranteed indoor parking use. $900 to park to go to work and not have it guaranteed is absolutely abusive.

    • Lots of competition for a limited number of spaces! One of the primary reasons why we are doing this study, to help get rid of some of these frustrations… Thanks for the good feedback.

      • I’m sorry. You’re replying 3 months after these comments? And you expect us to believe you can do something?

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  2. The bus system in Milwaukee is terrible. The times I try to use it the buses take forever to arrive, that is if they scheduled buses show up at all. It is not easy to map my trip and I have stopped using my bus pass altogether.

      • That would definitely help! I use the current bus schedules as more of a suggestion because buses are rarely actually on schedule.

      • It would help if MCTS bus drivers stuck to their advertised schedule. I’ve waited many times for a bus that never came. What’s the point of this great service if we are stuck waiting in the freezing cold for 30+ minutes.
        Not to mention, we pay for this with Seg Fees so it’s really NOT free!!!! It’s a BS service.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  3. Many , many , students use and abuse handicap parking permits to use meters and short term parking all day . There are students and elderly auditors who really need these spots . Maybe someone should post on social media sites the students who park in these spots and run , and I do mean run , to class . If you know what is like to be walking on crutches , I have , then you might appreciate what it is like to find all the spots taken by people who are too lazy to take the bus .

  4. I would like to see a shuttle run from UWM to the Innovation park in Tosa once it is open in January (or at least that is the anticipated date). As a student and someone who works in the Milwaukee Medical Region Center I am often forced to allow for an hour plus to go from the Brown Deer Park Ride lot to the Hospital. I understand this isn’t solely UWM’s problem but with the 49U freeflyer running every 30 minutes with it going down to once an hour during 10-2pm it does have an effect. How does UWM plan to support this park with all the construction going on and eventually a closure of Watertown Plank Rd near the Discovery Parkway Rd? UWM provides a bus to the School of Freshwater Sciences and Public Health which do not see the same amount of ridership as the Capitol bus so I think one to connect Innovation Park should happen.There is no good way for me to get work from UWM and I do not like getting on the highway when I know it will be slowing down by 3pm. This is in addition to the parking problem UWM has. I paid too much in the summer to park on campus and will not be doing that in the Fall/Spring semesters.

    So far I have found a solution (hopefully) for the winter by riding the 10’s bus but I still face an hour bus ride, and possibly having to get on the RED line to get to the 10’s stop. If I do that I still have to find a ride to the 49U in the morning.

    My only issue with MCTS is for the 49U the bus is that the Brown Deer Park in Ride is right by the highway on ramp. Commuters and the bus who turn left into the lot can be stuck waiting for a while and if you are turning right into the lot other drivers will often ride the tail of your car even though the speed does decrease by the school. Perhaps someone from DOT should be informed for traffic signals to be installed it wouldn’t only help with entering the lot but also with exiting. My original stop was the Green Bay Lot but that one is now closed with no alternative but the Brown Deer Lot off 43.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  5. The bus system is definitely not the most reliable form of transportation. For instance, this morning I arrived at the bus stop 5 minutes before it’s scheduled arrival at my stop and waited 10 minutes after that time, yet the bus never came, so I had to drive to school and pay ten dollars to park in the garage….needless to say, I was not very happy about that. So, if there is a way to get more buses on every route so they run quicker or making it mandatory to actually stop at every stop so the bus doesn’t run too early, I think that would solve the problem. Otherwise, a more immediate change that could take place, is to get timed heating lamps in the bus stop shelters so while we’re waiting for the bus that may or may not come, we are staying comfortably warm instead of freezing!

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  6. Whenever I miss the inconsistently arriving MCTS GreenLine, it is extraordinarily frustrating to watch the UWM Shuttles drive by me empty, on my cold ass, 1.5 mile walk to school. That sucks. I don’t have a bike, or car, so those aren’t options. For every one GreenLine bus that comes through, 2-3 near empty Shuttles drive past me on Oakland, but apparently since I’m not deemed a resident by the school (only the dorm kids are), I’m excluded from service. I’m already on the service route, and I’m sure it wouldn’t destroy life as we know it if I got on that vehicle.

    • The residents who live in the residence hall pay for that service to have a shuttle that takes them to campus. It is more then just the UPASS it is in the fees they pay to live in University Housing.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  7. The MCTS Red Line is a perfect route for me and my children. Although, my main frustration with MCTS is the inconsistency of the ‘Red Line’ during the end of the work day. At times, the bus can be running behind by 20-30 minutes. (I even wrote an email to complain about this issue, it took them over a week to reply back, with minimal explanation for the delays.) As you can imagine, late buses, make it quite difficult to be on time for after school activities and for planning in general. This flaw in the system is problematic on many levels, and deters folks from using the MCTS. If the UWM body is not satisfied with the public transit options, then people give up and drive themselves in their automobiles (SVO). In which we don’t need to generate more SVO trips. The space UWM occupies is fragile with pedestrian traffic, therefore, less cars helps increase the safety and perception that driving is not the sine qua non of mobility in these dense urban spaces.

    UPASS is a great way to encourage students to use public transit. And, It works in many cities with high student populations. However, how efficient is the UPASS system? Meaning, how many students actually get their passes vs the expenses UWM pays to MCTS? Could funds be appropriated elsewhere? How do we understand this further? Another factor that may deter students are the stereotypes in “taking the bus”. In Milwaukee, for the most part, the bus is for “poor people” or “people of color”…unique to Milwaukee since being a place of hyper segregation. Maybe there are cultural barriers or problems? Either way, this is something to be concerned about if UWM and MCTS want to board more passengers…

    Thanks for taking my two cents 🙂

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  8. My biggest issue to date is that a couple of 30 bus drivers consistently stop the bus at the Union stop on Maryland rather than the layover route by Sandburg. I’ve both confronted a driver face to face and written two letter to MCTS and not much has changed. The drivers’ frequent excuses are that there are bathroom available in the Union…. There are bathroom and food available in NWQ. Frankly, it’s an invalid excuse and very bad service. A big issue is that when it’s winter, I have to trek even longer to Cunningham (the building farthest away from any convenient route) and risk freezing and showing up late to class. Secondly, a bus driver recently stopped before the layover and wouldn’t let riders out the front door. I was carrying a large project in my hand and he told me I had to open the back doors to get out. He ended up half opening it for me and breaking my hard work in the door as a result. My other issue, and more importantly, is that they often do this when disabled riders are on. Disabled riders should not have to wait to get to their stop, especially when it’s a task to get to their endpoint.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  9. I’m with Mike! University shuttles should be available to all students, not just residents. I’m on two of the shuttles, for crying out loud, and I can’t even ride them! I work at Columbia St. Mary’s, and I see lots of shuttles go by while I’m waiting for the MCTS buses to come. I could get home about 30 minutes earlier if I were able to hop on the shuttle at Kenilworth and take it back to the main campus, instead of taking two public buses home. I would love to avoid the cold weather, get home faster, and utilize a service that my tuition dollars help fund.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  10. I love that there is a park and ride shuttle from the Capitol & Humboldt lot. However, I do not like the days I am late to class because the bus waits in the lot for 15 mins to pick up people … and at least 10 people are left standing in the aisle because seating is all taken. This is a bit ridiculous, especially considering the shuttle buses run less than 5 minutes apart.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  11. I really appreciate being able to park and ride from State Fair Park. Although, I must say that it would be nice if there was a shuttle from Goerkes Corners again. I heard there used to be a bus that came from there, and I personally know a lot of people who come from as far back as Waukesha every day who would love to take a shuttle from closer to their homes. The other thing I would say is that I do frequently end up driving to campus because I end up needing my car with me for some reason, and parking is an issue. For a school that has so many students, I do think it’s a reasonable request to get a few more free parking lots for students to park in. The Northwest Quadrant is a blessing, but the lot is full most times. The parking garage in the union that charges 9 dollars to park inside for the whole day should be a free lot in my opinion. It’s very hard for students who barely have money to eat to shell out a ton of money just to drive themselves to school. To park on the street is essentially a guaranteed way to get a ticket, as most street parking is only good for an hour and most classes are an hour and a half or longer in duration. It leaves students in class worrying about their cars on the street instead of paying attention.

    • I am a returning student over 65 . I got my undergrad from UWM . In 1966 there were only a few direct route busses to campus along Capitol Dr. . They were filled before they got to 76th st. . On the regular Capitol Dr. busses I had to transfer at Oakland and then walk to Sabin Hall from Oakland and Edgewood . Where the Klotsche center is was a gravel lot . It cost 50 cents ($3.60 in todays dollars ) . I was on the parking committee in 1970 with the college dean of students , the Milw. head building inspector , two neighborhood residents , and another student besides myself . I said to the neighborhood residents ” today they want your parking , tomorrow it will be your house ” . There were only 2 properties rented by students living in the 2900 block of Maryland Ave. then . The slumlords got the properties now . When I ran for alderman in 1989 I said ” there is no parking problem , the problem is too many cars ” . My niece lives in Harvard square . No parking no parking problem . Friends who live in NY pay $175,000 to buy a spot in their condo . Park your car at the Pick and Save at 128th. and Capitol . Free all day and you will get a seat because very few people will grab the bus there . The union parking is there for visitors to UWM to attend or run functions . They don’t have the option of getting free parking at the NW lot . Lugging all the literature etc. that the companies who recruit workers etc. at UWM events need is a non-starter . If you really don’t want to pay for parking rent 5 blocks south of campus . You can rent a two bedroom bath and 1/2 with electric about $1,000 per month in the apt where I rent . Lots of free all day street parking . If you want covered parking that’s an extra $75 / mo. . My neighbors who attend UWM still pay for the free covered NW parking structure they don’t need . Free parking at Capitol Dr. and River with shuttle service . Free parking that the students in the neighbourhood don’t need . If getting to school is such a big problem then have your mommy drive you .

      • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  12. MCTS has an absolutely stellar route system on paper for taking the bus to and from the university. Routes to travel to the rest of the city are average bordering on poor. I switch between the Green Line and Route 30 to travel to and from campus.

    However, it only looks good. Both routes are rarely on time with often huge gaps beyond the expected 15-20 minutes between passes. About a month ago, the Green line was absolutely horrible. There were three instances in one week where I waited 50-65 minutes for a bus. This was during the day and not during peak traffic hours. I have also seen two to three Green line buses travel together one behind the other due to poor route timing.

    I once asked a driver why the buses were so backed up, and his reply was to shake his head and say “No one knows what the F*** they are doing”. This needs to change. It brings shame to our city.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  13. More options for the UPASS would be great. I actually purposely moved within walking distance of the Lakefront UPASS location a few years ago just in time for it to be taken away. I understand it was not UWM’s desire to lose that lot but another option south of campus would be great.

    Also, and a more grandiose idea…when there was the possibility of a commuter train in the Milwaukee area part of the plan was a possible route between the Amtrak station and UWM. Something like that where there is a central parking lot and a direct link (train or bus) with dedicated lanes could be amazing.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  14. I would like to see staff/faculty offered the U-Pass or a discounted version of it to encourage busing to work. This would address the parking problem as well. I know it is quicker driving, but I enjoy taking the bus, not having to drive or worry about parking. I am a staff member however, so I do not have access to the U-Pass.

  15. I live far enough away from UWM that only the MCTS freeway flyer routes are useful. The city street routes take way too much commute time for me. One of the things that bothers me is that the flyer routes that go to UWM are not available during the summer. Driving is my only option during that time of the year.

    Many years ago (around 2007-2008), I used to take the Capitol/Humboldt shuttle all the time. However, I found that my commute was faster using the freeway flyer, and I disliked how over-crowded the shuttle buses were.

    In regards to the parking situation, I have adopted a solution of parking on the city streets in free, time-limited parking. It is annoying to have to keep moving my car around every couple of hours, but it is the only thing that allows me to drive and park close (only a few block walk at most) for free.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  16. The discounted bus passes for staff members are not affordable. Many staff members are paid poverty-level wages (or close to it). I would certainly use MCTS to come to work if the transit fare was included in my benefits package. As it is I have to drive to parking near campus, then bike/walk/shuttle into campus. This process makes for a quite lengthy commute and negatively impacts my job satisfaction. I would rather work somewhere where I could park at my employer and avoid long, cold, and wet bike/walk/shuttle service.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  17. The Ubus should run throughout the year whether or not school is in session. The MTCS assumes that only students ride those buses. That is incorrect. Faculty and staff ride it too. For the summer, winter and spring breaks, the Ubus 49U could run at 7.15am, 8am to UWM from the Brown deer rd park and ride and then 4.45pm, 5pm from UWM to the brown deer lot. That should take care of the staff that use it and it does not have to run throughout the day.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  18. When I started teaching at UWM, there was an MCTS bus, the 63U, that was very convenient for me. Then, due to budget cuts, the 63U was eliminated, which means I have to walk 10 blocks to get to the Red line to commute, making the bus much less convenient, especially in winter. I realize that UWM does not control the MCTS budget or schedule, but the various route cuts have hurt lots of people, and made taking public transit rather than driving less appealing.

    I switched to driving as a result for a few years, until the parking situation for staff and faculty on campus became intolerable. (I know that students are impacted by the insufficient parking as well, but at least they have a free lot, while we do not, and, in fact, our employee discount was eliminated.) So I’ve returned to busing, but with a long walk and the cold waits with no bus shelters, it was brutal this winter.

    I agree that faculty and staff should be given UPass access. I also think that BOSS should be expanded in terms of territory, number of busses, and that staff and faculty should be able to use it for night travel.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  19. I’d like to see the installation of multiple charging units at the Humboldt Ave. UPARK lots for use by commuters who adopt electric vehicles to drive there.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  20. Also during peak times say 3-4 the buses are so packed you can barely get on them and they are running late if you have a job or something to get to these thing can cause issues. Is there a way to have more buses during that time. Also as a walker and someone who had to be on a medical scooter for a few months. The corner by the elementary school is awful, so many tripping obstacles.

    • I sold my car when I moved 5 blocks from campus . The busses not only run late ( the schedules are more a suggestion than anything connected to reality ) but the snow and ice is never cleared at the bus pick-up spots . When I shopped at Aldi on Capitol Dr . on Feb. 17th there was 8 inches of snow between the sidewalk and the curb . The sidewalk corners are near impossible to navigate over the frozen or slushy mounds . Only a few Churches on Park shovel out the corners . The church on Kenwood and Maryland never shovels to the street . Once upon a time the city used to hire temporary workers to shovel out the bus stops and corners . . I do believe we should organize an online campaign to post pictures of the bus spots and corners . Not sure if we could shame our state legislators to send money to Milw. for this . They seem to only be interested in building freeways not the people who take the bus to get around . If I still had my car I would pick-up handicap people like yourself .

      • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  21. I use the bus system as often as I can but if I have to be on campus after 2 or 3pm then I wait too long for the 44U. Several times I have waited for over an hour and still didn’t have a seat on the bus. It seems as if the schedule is never right so it’s a guessing game when the bus will actually show up. When I know I have to be on campus late or I have to be somewhere after class/work, I will drive and pay for parking. Its expensive to be in the union but the spots in the student free lot are often full by 9. Several times I have driven down to the 4th level only to be sent back up even when the sign said there were open spaces. This leaves me 15 min out of my way and panicked to find parking while still being on time for work/class. Needless to say, I am generally late due to striving for convenient parking and then being stuck with a 15 minute drive to somewhere else.

    I would like to see a feed that shows when the bus will arrive possibly by e-mail or the sign by the Library bus stop. Parking should be less expensive and there should be more of it.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

  22. Why does the NWQ say the lot is full when it is clearly not? I got to the NWQ around 9:15 and the gate was closed with the “lot full” sign up. Out of pure frustration and to prove a point, I payed for parking near by and went to go look if there were spaces available. Almost the entire upper level was open and plenty (at least 50+) spaces were available between the 1st and 2nd levels (I took pictures to prove this). This wasted my gas, time, and money. I was late to work because of this and I’m sure I was not the only one late to my commitments. THIS IS ENTIRELY ***** SINCE THE PARKING ATTENDANT WAS IN THE BOOTH AND CAME OUT TO WAIVE TRAFFIC ON TO CIRCULATE THE NWQ!!! There must have been 15 cars in circulation around the NWQ that could have easily been accommodated for. To top it off the attendant didn’t open the gate until 9:54am. So anyone hoping to make it to class on time was screwed. This is so inconsiderate of the students who pay for this service. The only reason I can think that the parking services would do this is to influence students to pay for parking and/or risk getting ticketed. The parking services is a corrupt department and WE DEMAND A CHANGE! I am going to pursue exposing this travesty to the school, news, and police.

    • Thanks for your comments! Please stop by the Open Forum on Wednesday April 2 at 2 PM (Golda Meir Library East Wing) to voice your concerns. This is a great opportunity to directly share your opinions and interact with folks at many campus and Milwaukee area transportation agencies. For a full list of attending organizations, check out https://uwmmoves.wordpress.com/

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